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December 13, 2021

ReStore Re-RePurposed Christmas Tree Decor

By Sarah Ramberg

Hey, there, it’s Sarah of Sadie Seasongoods again, with a new upcycling idea to share with you.

We’ve all heard of the term “re-gifting”, and maybe you’ve even re-gifted a gift to someone, too. But what about re-repurposing? That is, repurposing something that you had already repurposed! Well, I wanted to see if I could repurpose one of these faux cactus plants that started as a deck post cap from our Wendover store.

It had the right shape for a Christmas tree, and re-repurposing DEFINITELY has the right price. So, I gathered a few craft supplies and got to work!


Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Deck post caps
  • Green paint (spray or brush-on)
  • Small cardboard box
  • Floral foam
  • Tree stand (such as a small bucket or mug- check the ReStore shelves for lots of options!)
  • Cotton balls
  • Craft paint and a small craft paint brush with a pointy handle
  • Stickers and other scrapbooking-type supplies for tree decoration
  • Christmas twine or cord
  • Decorative stars
  • Hot glue gun

Safety first!

If you do any spray painting, make sure you have a well-ventilated area to work in. And when working with a hot glue gun, make sure to keep your fingers away from the tip and don’t touch any recently-dispensed glue that is still soft.

Here’s how I made this Re-Repurposed Christmas Tree:

  • First, I re-gathered the wooden post caps that had been transformed into faux cactus plants. As cute as they were, they were also perfect for re-repurposing!
  • I carefully removed the silk flowers and gathered what I needed to re-paint them. This included a cardboard box (to prop them up), some green paint, and a paint brush.

  • To paint ornaments, I dipped the pointy end of a small paint brush into red and gold paint and simply dabbed them on the re-repurposed tree. That’s one of my favorite tricks for painting small circles! The end of a paint brush is a secret weapon in crafting.
  • Then, I “potted” my re-repurposed trees by placing floral foam inside various containers. Then, I stuck the bolt into the foam.
  • Now, to cover up the floral foam, I wanted the look of snow- but not anything too loose that could spill and make a mess. So, I used some cotton balls! I simply uncurled them and pulled them apart before placing them over the foam.
  • Last, but not least, I glued a shiny star to the top of my re-repurposed Christmas tree. And that was it!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

How fun is that? I just love the idea of finding something at the ReStore and repurposing it twice. If you love this re-repurposing idea for Christmas, tag us (@cltregionrestore and @sadieseasongoods) with the hashtag #ReStoreHolidayDecor. We can’t wait to see your repurposed trees or other holiday décor that started at the ReStore.

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